+598 2916 6645



Welcome to “Uruguay Marítimo”, the podcast of the Law Firm SCIARRA & ASOC.

We seek to put on the table and within everyone's reach what are the issues that are discussed both judicially and outside the judicial sphere; and thus give tools to all those who work in the sector to prevent or reduce problems that can be found in the business, know in advance the legal consequences that an accident or non-compliance can cause and give them quality information on current issues of the maritime business.



15 Mar 2024

Are there possibilities to limit liability in Uruguay? Abandonment of the value of the vessel

We analyze the amendments introduced to Article 1050 of the Code of Commerce by Law No. 19,246, Article 6, regarding the abandonment in full discharge of debts.

Spotify Ivoox

6 May 2023

Which courts are competent to hear labor claims of crew members of foreign-flagged vessels

The case of labor claims filed against foreign companies by foreign crew members of foreign-flagged vessels before Uruguayan courts is discussed. Our analysis is based on the provisions of Law No. 19,246 on the Regulation of Maritime Commercial Law.

Spotify Ivoox

20 Mar 2023

UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Transferable Records

A few days ago, nine of the world's leading shipping lines pledged to convert 50% of their bills of lading to digital within five years and 100% of them by 2030. The announcement by the nine shipping lines belonging to this association confirmed what we already knew: electronic bill of lading is here to stay. Seeking clear rules for the purpose of providing certainty to states, especially because of the uncertainty that exists about the legal value of electronic transferable documents, is that the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law approved in 2017 the Model Law on Electronic Transferable Documents.

Spotify Ivoox

16 Feb 2023

The official weighing system for the parties in transporte of bulk goods

Shipowners who transport bulk cargo are faced with a problem that requires a solution. In any port of the world that they load, they request a draft survey in order to control and record the amount of goods they receive. But when they arrive in Uruguay, the consignees who receive the cargo do the control with the scales of the National Ports Administration, which generally gives a different result to that of the draft survey This difference between the result of the draft survey and the port scale leads shipowners to receive complaints from consignees for missing goods, despite the fact that the draft survey at destination show the same or similar results as at origin

Spotify Ivoox

23 Jan 2023

Seizure And Arrest of Vessels

In this episode we will analyse the reform of seizure and arrest of ships in laws Nº 18.803 and Nº 19.246.

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23 Jan 2023

Direct action by third parties against the P&I Club

Third parties claim against the P&I insurance company under art. 227 of the Commercial Code, requesting the judge to allow them to be subrogated to the rights of the insured to claim from his insurance company. Is this subrogation action possible? Can third parties claim directly from the P&I Club?

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Podcasts 1 to 6 of 6

Leaders in consulting for maritime, port, customs and intellectual property law

Rincón 531, Oficina 202

11000 Montevideo, Uruguay

+598 2916 6645

+598 92 219 412 Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Office hours Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.



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