+598 2916 6645



9 Feb 2023

An Inter-institutional Port Cooperation Framework Agreement has been signed between the National Port Administration of Uruguay and the Administration of Port Services of Bolivia ASP-B.

5 Feb 2023

TGU started operations with its second dock in the port of Montevideo

17 Jan 2023

The new Brazilian government announced that they will not continue with privatizations in the port of Santos.

13 Jan 2023

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships

10 Jan 2023

New Paraguay-Paraná Waterway Tolls

6 Jan 2023

The United Nations Commission on Trade Law created the Model Law on Electronic Transferable Documents.

27 Dec 2022

In the first week of December, the ANP reported a new record for the port of Montevideo: the mobilization of more than one million teus.

13 Dec 2022

The President of the National Ports Administration is carrying out a plan to exonerate Paraguayan shipowners from the port cost of anchoring their barges

5 Dec 2022

Uruguay opposes the "cargo reservation" agreement promoted by Argentina and Brazil

1 Dec 2022

Florencia Sciarra was appointed as President of the Uruguayan Maritime Law Association for the year 2023

News 21 to 30 of 30

Leaders in consulting for maritime, port, customs and intellectual property law

Rincón 531, Oficina 202

11000 Montevideo, Uruguay

+598 2916 6645

+598 92 219 412 Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Office hours Monday to Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.



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